Skills Development


In 2014 nearly 69% of Uganda’s population was under 30 years of age, and this has implications for unemployment and poverty amongst young people. The Uganda’s National Bureau of statics (UBOS) reports that amongst 18-30 year olds 57% are self employed, 24% work for some one, of those in employment 63% work in agriculture, 29% in the service industry whilst 8% are in manufacturing.

In addition, that unemployment amongst the youth in Kampala, Uganda’s capital stands at 15% and is three times higher than the national average and at least 14.1 Million young people in rural areas are unemployed due to lack of skills.

The situation in Ntungamo district where Itojo Sub County is located, is that 85% of the population is aged between 15-30 years and the incidence of unemployment amongst this age group is 90%. The young people from Itojo Sub County suffer from under employed mainly due to lack of skills. Amongst these youth are young girls not in education, employment or training. The so called NEETS


The aim is to:

  • Improve the livelihoods of widows in rural Uganda
  • Provide employment for rural women
  • improve diets for rural people especially children by giving them access to goat milk
Beyond Covid-access to skills
30 Mar 2021

Beyond Covid-access to skills

The Covid-19 virus has meant the closure of schools for more than a year and for some girls in Uganda, the outcomes have been devastating. The incidence of teenage pregnancies is off scale and so are sexual assaults. you can read about the situation in Ruhanga at this link Who is celebrating International Women’s Day? …

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