Who are the Ultra Poor?
The Ultra Poor are defined as those people who live on less than 50 cents a …
We need your assistance to help women in rural Uganda increase their income from 40p to £1.75 a week. That’s just 25 p a day and half the price of a daily newspaper here in the UK but £1.75 is the amount of money a woman in Uganda needs to send three children to a government school, fight malnutrition and ensure that her family can access basic health care. It’s a life changing amount. It’s a difference you can choose to make.
LTHT believes in a “hand up” rather than a “hand out” approach and you can help make that difference by donating £2.50 to our “Send a Chicken” initiative. “Send a Chicken” to an African woman is a direct way of aiding women in rural Africa to become economically independent.
Your donation of £2.50 will buy a two-month old chick for an African woman and create a life changing experience for the recipient and her family.
If you can dig deeper, for £10 we can deliver two two-month-old chicks to a village woman, help them set up a pen for the chicks, provide chicken feed for three months as well as vaccines. After that your gift will be self sustaining generating much needed income for years to come and will help build a better nourished next generation of children.
Within two months the hens will start laying eggs and we will help the women find a route to market for the surplus eggs after her family’s nutritional needs have been met.
We ask you to support this initiative because
Choose your bundle today:
Make a real difference and send one chicken to a rural woman and her family in Uganda.
Double your donation and send two chickens to boost the income of woman in Uganda
Consider donating two chickens together with a pen to house them, feed and vaccinations.
We can also arrange to email you a photo of your donated chicken bundle with their new host family.
* Please note: 100% of your donation goes directly to the recipient. There are 0% deductions
* If you would prefer you can also donate through Virgin Money Giving here
The Ultra Poor are defined as those people who live on less than 50 cents a …
We need your assistance to help women in rural Uganda increase their income from 40p …